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Questions about Fasting Part One


Was fasting a foretelling of repentance and dying to self?

Everything in the Old Testament Jewish faith was the "first to establish the second," meaning the religious acts were a foretelling to set up the death and resurrection of Christ. The practice of circumcision is not a sacred act anymore, nor is sacrifice. Why? Because in the New Covenant through Jesus, circumcision is now of the heart and not the flesh. The book of Romans reminds us that every religious act of the flesh has been replaced by living under grace through faith. So why are we continuing the practice of fasting for repentance or sorrow? Is that not an act of flesh? Do we not believe that if we confess our sins, Jesus is faithful and just to forgive us? Why do you have to starve yourself to get God to move or hear Him? Don't we believe that He has heard us if we ask according to His will? Do you think God is motivated more by our acts of humility or our acts of faith? Does He not know the heart of His people? Here is a tricky question for you? Is fasting taking the place of your actions of obedience? So if you fast for abortion, you can vote for someone who supports it? If you fast, can you then remain silent and not be a voice for the innocent?

Here is a big question. Is proclaiming a fast on social media make you righteous? But, more importantly, is claiming I am obeying my God and daily dying to the flesh embarrassing to you?

In the next few days, I will be writing on fasting and why we are continuing the tradition?

 With all honesty, this journey of questions all happened last week when one of my ladies asked a question about fasting, and it angered me. When I began to ask God why I got so upset, God began to ask me question after question. The first question was, "What verse in the New Covenant tells my people to fast?" By the way, the Gospels are under Old Covenant, and so was Jesus' time on earth. The second question was, "Was fasting intended to be a foretelling of repentance and dying to self?" So I am on this journey of discovery with you. I am in awe of what I have discovered and can't wait to share it with you.

Here is a thought till I post again. Fasting gives the impression of an action done by the righteous. Dying to self gives the appearance of a sinner walking away from the world and choosing God. It's a word game Satan has us playing, so we fall back on actions we can do instead of relying upon what Jesus did. Fasting is the old wineskin. The other is about one coming into alignment with God to strengthen their relationship with Him and trust Him by faith. The same applies to a whole nation. Calls to prayer do not require a fast for repentance or to express sorrow. If we confess our sins, it is what God's word says. Not perform for God but confess and repent. Has fasting become the act mentioned in Psalm 66:2, "Because of the greatness of Your power Your enemies will give feigned obedience to You?"

These are questions you should be asking God. Talk with you soon.  



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