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Showing posts from January, 2022

Decision Time

  People who work with people with any type of addiction often wonder if they are making a difference. God informed me that my job often is to warn people and give them godly solutions. So, when they stand in front of God, they cannot claim they did not know. Today I listened to a sermon with great questions. I will ask them in a minute, but first, I want to remind everyone what God’s word says about our decision-making. See, every day, we decide decisions starting with whether to get out of bed or not. But, let’s face it, our character or nature is where most decisions come out. So, for most, it is only with the big decisions that we might ask God, “What do you think?” As a result, self-reliance has become second nature and thought to be sound if it appears godly. The religious spirit will deceive and convince you that what you are doing is correct because it appeases your fear, brings immediate comfort, or brings a false sense of peace to your situation. “Be anx

God Forgives

  One of the most precious lessons I learned from my mom was watching her struggle with her faith. There was no pretending she had it all together or that she fully understood God’s ways. I greatly admired her for that picture of sincerity. Now that I am in the senior category, I must say, it is not a lot of fun on this side. With age, experience comes and the understanding of the impact of actions. Consequences are hard to swallow and hard to watch as they impact the ones you love. The other day I heard about a ministry called Speak Life. I will add the link below. Christa’s testimony is incredible but also very sobering. It was on abortion. How many just mentally ran for the door or wanted to stop reading? I get it. Abortion has become the nuclear bomb of all topics. People on either side get heated with the mention of the subject, and the rest of society tunes the noise out and walks off. So, as a sister or brother-in-Christ, I pray that you keep reading or just