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God Forgives


One of the most precious lessons I learned from my mom was watching her struggle with her faith. There was no pretending she had it all together or that she fully understood God’s ways. I greatly admired her for that picture of sincerity. Now that I am in the senior category, I must say, it is not a lot of fun on this side. With age, experience comes and the understanding of the impact of actions. Consequences are hard to swallow and hard to watch as they impact the ones you love.

The other day I heard about a ministry called Speak Life. I will add the link below. Christa’s testimony is incredible but also very sobering. It was on abortion. How many just mentally ran for the door or wanted to stop reading? I get it. Abortion has become the nuclear bomb of all topics. People on either side get heated with the mention of the subject, and the rest of society tunes the noise out and walks off. So, as a sister or brother-in-Christ, I pray that you keep reading or just go to the link and check things out for yourself.

Jesus is coming after His church, and I am not talking about the rapture. For way over a year, God’s prophets have been warning God’s household to clean up their act. But, unfortunately, the comfortable don’t see issues. Christa’s testimony and prophetic warning knocked me out of my comfortable position last night. The church has allowed babies to be dehumanized and silenced, and at no point did we give voice or put up a fight in their defense. I think cheap grace made this possible because “If we confess our sins, He is faithful and just to forgive our sins,” right? Twenty-four hours ago, that was the comfortable thought I was sitting in, and I felt safe. But, as I said above, consequences are hard to swallow, and our God cannot ignore 70 million dead babies crying out for justice. Even though society dehumanized those precious lives by saying they were a clump of cells, it does not keep their Creator and Righteous Judge from defending them. The punch line from Christa’s prophetic message from the Groom to His bride was this warning. You, my beautiful bride, defend and speak for those babies that have no voice, or I will remove your voice. How’s that for a sobering thought?

See, Satan is blackmailing people when they commit this sin and dumping a bucket of shame on them. We all know shame. It has become an unwanted house guest for many of us that no matter what we do, we cannot evict. As one of my ladies declared last Thursday, shame is why she dives in a bottle. So do you see Jesus’s issue? On one side, He has his bride swimming in guilt under a gag order by Satan, and on the other, the blood of the babies crying out for justice. So what is the solution?

Do you believe that the blood of Jesus covers every sin known to man? Do you believe that we are a new creation in Christ, and the old is passed away, and the new has come? Then why aren’t we declaring our beliefs over those that commit abortion? Did you know there are seven abominations listed in Proverbs 6? The first one is haughty eyes. Unfortunately, Satan has successfully silenced the church because many people portray abortion as an unforgivable sin, which is a lie.

Forgiveness will always be about what Jesus did for us. All sins were paid in full by Jesus. So my message today will be I will be a voice for the silenced babies. By the words of my mouth, I testify that I am forgiven by God. If Jesus is asking for a voice, I will offer mine. Despite my shame or embarrassment, I will speak if my testimony prevents another from doing wrong. Siblings, Satan cannot blackmail us if we stop trying to protect our reputations and start testifying about God’s forgiveness. Shame is the worst feeling ever, but Jesus bore our shame so we could walk in liberty. So please consider being a voice and share any testimony you have about being set free. Because if the Son sets you free, then you will be free indeed. It’s time to speak. Be God’s witness.


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