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Did God Really Say That?

 This week I am teaching my class about Eve. As I sit and read over my notes, I feel this is something we all need reminding concerning Satan. Even when you teach something, it is entirely different than experiencing an event for yourself.

The first reminder is that Satan misquotes God. In the last five years, I will say, people abusing God’s word for their own benefit has become common. We all need to make it a practice to go and read God’s word for ourselves and don’t just read the one verse. Read a chapter above and the chapter below to make sure you understand the verse in context. I recommend as an excellent website to inquire about different Christian topics. There has become this lazy approach to God, where we allow others to tell us what He says instead of us seeking God. The next reminder is Satan will play on some sort of benefit that you desire. I think this is where prosperity teaching went so wrong. Just because you feel something will be right for you or an idea fulfills a longing deep inside you does not mean it is from God. In 2 Samuel 7, David wanted to build God a temple, and even Nathan, the prophet, gave his blessing. The next day, though, God sent Nathan back to tell David no; he could not build God a temple. In this situation, God gave His reasoning, but that is not always the way God works. Sometimes the answer is just no without an explanation. When we allow our emotions to direct us, extreme confusion can happen because it may feel so godly to you but actually out of the will of God. We all have to learn to check our emotions and make sure Satan is not pulling one over on us. The third reminder is Satan will play on our senses; sight, sound, taste, smell, and touch. Maybe a song on the radio to remind you of a past event. He could place a familiar scent in your path that triggers an undesirable emotion or, worse, a desirable sinful moment that had you in bondage in the past. Satan has a way of playing on your desires to tempt you to betray your faith in exchange for a cheap moment. Don’t get me wrong, that “moment” seems like a must until it happens, then comes the guilt. Unfortunately, when we do sin, Satan temps us to solve the consequences ourselves. We act like Adam and Eve that made themselves covering from leaves as if God would not notice the coverings on His naked humans. Instead of just confessing, we cover up the mess we create the best way we can and pretend to God that nothing has changed in our lives. The story of Eve, combined with James 1:14-16, is something I think we should visit yearly just as a refresher. As I so crudely say to my ladies, “Sin is not a booger someone flung on you. We willingly choose to sin.” As James teaches, “Do not be deceived.” We must take everything to God in prayer with patients so we can hear His reply. Once again, be careful with your emotions. They can easily guide you to sin.


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