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Allowing Peace In

 “He must turn away from evil and do good; He must seek peace and pursue it,” 1 Peter 3:11.

How many times have we destroyed our own peace?
Have you ever casually mentioned an issue in your life only to have that person speak discord or hate towards you? The sad thing is you actually invited the conversation. Now, I know you did not ask for hate, but you did open the door for someone to speak or give an opinion about your life. Pursuing peace may include you halting that open-door policy for people to spew negative viewpoints or animosity. I know this is sad to say, but some people do not want others to be happy or advance in life. Then there are the negative Nancys of the world that are just a big-ball of bitter hate.
If God designed you for a purpose, then God should be the only One that speaks to you about that purpose. I had to learn this lesson the hard way and over and over again. Before I talk, I now ask God if that person is safe and if I can trust their counsel. In God’s world, sometimes pursuing may mean you have to take a different path to get away from the evil.
It is curious how many times I have destroyed my peace by inviting something that appeared to be benign but turned out to be a demonic volcano. Today as we discover God’s peace, ask Him about the paths you should be taking. You might be shocked but then relieved when He reveals them to you. Please, don’t forget. I don’t know what is up with our forgetter, but we apparently like it on.

Photo by Atanas Malamov on Unsplash


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