God’s word gives us clear words on prophecy. Like many things of God, Satan has a shadow version so he may deceive society. Since modern predictions scare me, if you are like me, I just mind my own business and do what God asks me to do. Is that thoroughly Biblical? Did God’s word say in Acts 2:17-21 that His people shall prophesy in the last days? If so, then why do God’s people recoil if someone mentions a prophetic word? What can we do about it?
These past few days, I have stood firm on most prophecies concerning the election. Why? Because the ones I am looking at require God’s people to seek God for intervention. Nothing about that goes against the will of God.I guess the next question is, “Am I setting myself up for disappointment?” The last time I questioned God, He brought me to the words of Hebrews 10:38. “MY RIGHTEOUS ONE SHALL LIVE BY FAITH: AND IF HE SHRINKS BACK; MY SOUL HAS NO PLEASURE IN HIM.” The all caps are from the New American Standard Bible and not me. During these turbulent times, it is your free will choice on where you stand. I believe that is the whole point. As a church, we are looking everywhere to fill our spiritual cups except God. We have Americanized God to the point that if we do not get an answer to prayer immediately, we walk.
In my quiet time with God this morning, I was pleading for clear direction, so I do not fail Him. God guided me to read Ezra 5 and 6. Please read it for yourself, but I will sum it up. When the prophets prophesied to the Jews, God’s people arose and began to rebuild the house of God. Then in verse 14, it says they were successful in building through the prophesying, and they finished building according to the command of the God of Israel.
I would recommend all of God’s people to continue in prayer concerning voter suppression, corrupt computer programs, and illegal votes. If God had His people prophesy to seek His face concerning this issue, then you have to make up your mind what you believe and what you will do. God will hold all of us accountable for our actions or lack thereof. God told us that we would appear foolish to the world. How else will Satan get you to stop obeying God? He appeals to your emotions because he knows it usually works. If that doesn’t, then evil attempts to intimidate, but that is another lesson altogether.
Suggested reading: 1 Corinthians 1:18-31, Romans 14:16-23, Ezra chapter 5 and 6
Photo by Raychan on Unsplash
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