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Need God More Than Your Calling

In January of this year, I had the privilege to listen to Amy Satterfield's talk titled Fulfill Your Calling based on Ephesians 4:1. Today God had me go over my notes and review. The one phrase that sticks out to me is "not needing your calling more than you need God."

As I stare at those words, one thought comes to my head. What if the calling was not from God but by you because you needed human approval and praise? I hear it often from leaders as they call out those in the spotlight and make sure others know about their work. What about those that just do the mundane job God asked them to do. Moms are called by God but are rarely praised by society. How about special needs parents or caregivers that live on a few hours of sleep but our faithful, day in and day out? Let's not forget the janitors or housekeepers who keep all of us from spreading germs. Yes, God needs all of us to do the everyday grind effectively while showing His love. The "Church" may not recognize what you are doing as a mission from God because it is not glamorous. It is your calling all the same so revel in the fact that God trusts you with that dull and sometimes wearisome task. So own it and rejoice that God has called you. "Let us not lose heart in doing good, for in due time we will reap if we do not grow weary" Galatians 6:9.



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