Fear of the unknown in 2020 has become overwhelming for many. Let’s just look at the run we had on toilet paper. The thought of having to do without was inconceivable. If the fear were just about the shortages in the grocery stores, people would have adapted. It is our health, finances, jobs, and businesses that are on the line. Media outlets our increasing our fear to push their agenda. I have resorted to recording the local news so I can watch just the three-minute weather segment. Unfortunately, a hurricane is heading towards the coast, which stirs up even more anxiety. But what are we commanded by God to do?
Isaiah 8:12-13, God reminds His people Who they were to fear. “You are not to say, ‘It is a conspiracy!’ In regard to all that this people call a conspiracy, and you are not to fear what they fear or be in dread of it. It is the Lord of hosts whom you should regard as holy. And He shall be your fear, and He shall be your dread.” Funny how it sounds like they could have been watching our news outlets. Evil has always stirred up the fear of the what-ifs. When we allow fear to overcome us, then we are proclaiming that God is not enough. Please talk to God about your worries and ask Him for a plan. Don’t stop asking till you understand. I could not tell you how many times I have had to ask God to clarify the message because I did not understand. Wisdom comes from the Lord, and He is faithful. We should fear the One that wants to bring us peace, not the one that wants to destroy it.
The other day, God reminded me of a story. When I was teaching in the old mission building, my classroom was the library. I loved the big tables that we could join together as we discussed God’s word. Then I had to move over to the men’s side of the building and teach in one of the classrooms. It was your standard room with conference tables. At the time, I felt the setup cold as I was way upfront from the ladies “teaching.” My director permitted me to join the tables together to make it more intimate. Since I was having trouble with my legs, she told me I could leave the tables joined together for the guys to put the room back together. She forgot to tell the guys. One day, a man came storming into my classroom and yelled at me. “You will put those tables back,” he demanded. I looked up and slowly said, “No.” He screamed again, “Yes, you will.” I again replied, “No, and if you have a problem with that answer, you can talk with my supervisor.” The look on his fa...
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