I do this little exercise with my class, where they make for me out of playdough a circle, square,
and triangle. After they finish, I show a picture of the earth that God created. I then show them
the most beautiful mountains, along with a photo of crystals. The point I am trying to make is
that Satan sells us the playdough version of our life which we are living, and we need to learn to
allow God to transform us into that new creature in Christ. Let’s just say you are the best artist
in the world; you still would require a medium to work with to make your creation. God called
into being that which does not exist.
Have you ever heard in your head, “This is the best that life will ever be for you” or “You will
never change?”
While the ladies and I were discussing all those discouraging comments, Satan says to us, one of
the ladies shocked me. Not that I had never heard the daunting statement she said she heard
but that I just heard it a few days ago myself. “This is your life.” I was on my staycation, and I
walked into my office, and as I looked around, I heard that statement as plain as day. The words
were felt in a drudgery type of way. As I looked around the room, I remember rejecting the
thought and saying back, “I love my life.” It is curious how the mundane but necessary chores in
life are presented to us as worthless. Really?
“May the Lord reward your work, and your wages be full from the Lord, the God of Israel, under
whose wings you have come to seek refuge Ruth 2:12.”
Most of our lives are repetitive actions. That does not mean that our lives are inferior because
of this fact. There is great value in the jobs that God blessed us with to do. What is useless is
allowing Satan to estimate your significance. If we believe that we were created with a purpose,
then we should only let God give voice about our life. When you begin to question your worth
in this world, remind yourself that Jesus died for you. Enough said! Now let’s go back with
praise to our routines.
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