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Introduction to God

One of the classes I have the privilege to teach is Introduction to God. Most of the ladies that I have in class come from the Bible belt. In the Bible belt, we grow up in church, and we quote verses. One thing I have noticed is many people do not know God or even why we worship Him. Going to church has become a habit or tradition with very little meaning. So that is why I ask everyone that sits in my class, the honor to introduce them to God in a different manner. Will you allow me to show you a different way to talk about salvation. As you read, ask God to guide you to develop a testimony in your own words to help others understand salvation.

God’s word (Genesis 1:26) teaches us that man was created in God’s image. Many have debated what this means. If you were to ask me, I believe it means that we were holy like our God. (Revelation 4:8) I think in Genesis 3:22, it shows God’s mercy because man now cut himself off from that Holy bloodline. God did not want to leave us permanently separated from Him, so salvation became necessary.

Let me explain, please.

If I were to cut off my index finger, then my finger would die. My finger requires me to find myself a surgeon quickly so they can reattach the digit to my blood flow. Science and Deuteronomy 12:23 teaches us that blood is life. I believe that all life, both physical and spiritual, comes from Jesus. (John 1:3, Colossians 1:16) Using my finger as an example, Romans 6:23 states that the wages of sin is death, so you could say that sin severed us from God. I don’t think God created us with a God hole as much as I believe we are born spiritually hollow or empty because sin severed our spirit from God. I think everyone feels that emptiness because humans spend their lives worshipping false god after false god. I know most don’t see it as a god in their lives, but by definition, whatever you admire or pour every ounce of your life into, that driving force is a god to you. If you have not figured it out yet, no imitation god will ever make you feel whole again. If there is no blood flow, so to speak to your spirit, then your spirit is still dead.

So what mechanism can reattach us back to the One true God? I need you to remember the word Holy as I explain the importance of excepting Jesus in reattachment of your spirit to God. Imagine that I lost my finger to a lawnmower accident. There is going to be a great deal of dirt and grass packed into the severed cavity. The surgeon is going to have to debride the damaged tissue before he reattaches it back to me. Sin corrupts our spirit. When Jesus died and rose again to take away the sin of the world, He provided a way for anyone that receives it to be grafted back into the family of God. (1Peter2:9)

Unlike the analogy of a severed digit, sin came at a significant cost to God. Although we like to sing about how God washed away our sins, I think that figure of speech is done to make us feel good about what really took place at the cross. For us to be considered holy, the wrath of God was turned entirely on Jesus, so we do not have to be consumed by God’s justice. See for something to be considered morally sound; true justice had to take place. Only a perfectly-holy spirit, never contaminated by sin, could reattach man back to a holy bloodline. Just like any reattachment, the contamination that took place is going to have lasting effects. If you become saved, only your spirit becomes sealed by the Holy Spirit. Your mind and body will always have a tendency or desire for sinful things. There will always be a tug-of-war between your new creature in Christ and your old self. This earth we live on is not our final destination. The Holy Spirit is given as a promise of eternal life with God. (Romans 8:16, 2 Corinthians 1:22) To be born again means we are citizens of heaven and reattached spiritually by Jesus to our God. (Phil.3:20-21, 1 Cor. 15:42-45)


I hope I have given you food for thought on what is salvation? Why do we need it?

Spend some time with God meditating on God’s word and role-play it in your head on how to explain it. If you cannot understand what took place, then how do you know that you are an heir in Christ? You don’t have to be a theologian to explain the difference that has happened in your life. In fact, I will say with certainty that the change in your life is what will bring questions to those that know you, not your words. I love that God allows my life to display His glory. Not for me to strut around and be praised but for me to encourage someone else that has been wounded by sin that Christ provides. I know what Satan has stolen from me, and if I can bring hope to one person that has experienced the same, count me in. If I can keep anyone from making the same mistakes as me, then count me in. When we are willing to take the time to explain to those around us about salvation from Christ, that is love in action. Salvation in Christ brings real hope to this very lost world. Tell people about the Hope you have in your life.


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